2nd May 2024

Do you want to try running a “Possum Nightclub”?

We are very pleased to have received a grant from Topflite’s Soar Fund that enabled us to buy some Flipping Timmys that we can lend to our groups to set up “Possum Nightclubs”

If you know you have a high density of possums in your area and are able to service the traps every one or two days for a short spell, this could be a great option for you!

The idea is that you pre-bait these traps all in one area every day or two without setting them over a 7-10 day period.  At this time of year possums are breeding so moving around quite a lot, and they will be creating a lot of scent trails that lead to the “club”.

When you know the nightclub has become a popular spot, set the traps for a few nights and you should notice good catch numbers.

Please email WWT or Bonnie if you are interested in this idea.

A huge thank you to Topflite for the grant.

If you want some more information, Cam Speedy has a good video:

Posted in: Latest News