
The Whakatipu Wildlife Trust now includes over 70 independent trapping groups throughout the Wakatipu Basin. We are so proud of the hard work being carried out by all of their volunteers, who combined, help to look after over 3000 traps. Find your local group using the map and get in touch via the details listed below.

Alpine Bird Song

Alpine Bird Song was formed in late 2016. We are a small group of Fernhill and Sunshine Bay residents who are passionate about looking after our native birdlife. In our area we have tuis, bellbirds, pigeons, silvereyes and fantails, and our vision is retaining and enhancing this native birdlife. In addition, we hope that our trapping will help protect rata and other vulnerable native plants in our local Lakeside reserves.

Location: Fernhill & Sunshine Bay
Number of Traps: 117
Contact: Peter De La Mare, 027 335 9585,
Contact: Ben Perchik, 027 716 4157,
Link: Find out more

Alpine Retreat

Alpine Retreat is a community of 37 one acre properties at the top of a non exit road, accessed via Moke Lake Road. We have 30 hectares of shared common land on both sides of a ridge that rises up towards Bob’s Peak. Our north east boundary backs on to a large Beech Forest at the head of 5 Mile Creek. Recently we have had our land cleared of pine trees thanks to the Wilding Pine Group and are replanting in natives with the support of Wakatipu Reforestation Trust. We maintain our common land by having working bees 4 times a year. A small group of us have set rat and possum traps on our common land. We have also increased the number of traps on our own properties. Our goal is to return the common land to native alpine vegetation with birdlife by increasing the number of households trapping on their properties and increasing the trapping we are doing on our common land, some of which is in beech forest.

Number of Traps: 31
Contact: Nicky Gray,

Baywaters Lane at Wilson Bay

We all started as a group because we liked the idea of being part of “the Grid’ with our street doing our bit for the birds. It seems to be working too!

Location: Wilson Bay
Number of Traps: 27
Contact: Di Fitzgerald, 03 442 9132, 021 023 99267

Bob’s Cove Predator Control

Pippa Speedy started this project over 3 years ago with just 3 traps. We now have over 60 traps plus all the traps on neighbouring properties who are joining forces with our program. It was just Pippa organising it all but then as time went on and word spread we gained more local funds and interests to help with trap checks and monitoring. Bobs Cove Trappers now have some great local residents and volunteers on board to help with the endless task of trap checks, trap maintenance & construction and recording of all trap information to go onto the website.

Location: Bob's Cove
Number of Traps: 242
Contact: Pippa Speedy, 021 077 9519,

Camp Hill Pest Control

Camp Hill is the site of extensive reforestation and wetland restoration. Just under 48 thousand native trees and understory have been planted since 2006 and 15 acres of wetlands habitat restored.

Location: Camp Hill, Glenorchy
Number of Traps: 40

Closeburn Station Bird Protection

In early 2016, Paul Griffin, a keen conservationist and one of the 27 Closeburn Station shareholders, proposed to the Board of Directors that a predator trapping program on the station be intensified. Like Paul, the Board which consists of volunteer shareholders, wanted to revive wildlife – especially native birds and their songs – on a well-wooded area of the property overlooking Lake Wakatipu. We also wanted to extend the area of trapping coverage by 1) cooperating with nearby like-minded community trapping groups, including those at Bob’s Cove/Bridle Track; and 2) by forming a charitable trust to attract wider community support and raise money for the expansion. This program has received widespread support from shareholders.

Location: Closeburn Station (private)
Number of Traps: 49
Contact: Paul Griffin,
Contact: Michael Richardson,

Drift Bay Trapping Group

The Drift Bay Trapping group started in November 2015. As a small informal community group, we were keen to increase the native flora and fauna in our area. The Wye Creek Climbing group had already established traplines up the Wye Creek track and our little project aligned with DOC’s goals to have a continuous area of trapping along the lake. Our residents have a real interest and commitment to our community and along with our trapline we have also extended planting areas with natives.

Location: Drift Bay, Wye Creek
Number of Traps: 37
Contact: Nerolie and Chris Cook,

Frankton Track Trappers

Frankton Track Trappers was formed in early 2020. This group is growing as people join the effort to protect the tuis, bellbirds, kereru, silvereyes, fantails, kingfishers, crested grebe and other waterfowl.  By protecting this native birdlife, we hope to increase their populations so that users of the Frankton Track can see them and enjoy their song. In addition, we hope that our trapping can expand to include possum control, this will help protect threatened mistletoe found in beech trees of our local Lakeside reserves.

Location: Frankton Track
Number of Traps: 29
Contact: Dawn Palmer, 027 442 7348,

Keeping Arthur’s Point’s Original Wildlife

Keeping Arthur’s Point’s Original Wildlife (KAPOW) was formed in August 2017. We’re a handful of local AP residents (kids included) passionate about NZ native wildlife who like getting out and about and keen to make our awesome neighbourhood even better.

Location: Arthur's Point
Number of Traps: 162
Contact: General Contact:
Contact: Jeannie Galavazi,
Link: Find out more

Kelvin Peninsula Community Association

The group was formed in 2016 and we started our first line in May with 12 box traps. More funds have been donated by our community since and combined with some success in applying to Dept of Conservation National free trap allocations over the years the total now stands at 53 which includes 11 donated Timms traps.

Location: Kelvin Heights Peninsula
Number of Traps: 105
Contact: Colin Kelly. 03 441 8308
Link: Find out more

Kingston Community Trappers

The Kingston community trapping group formed in September 2017 to protect one of the best tracks of native bush around Lake Wakatipu. In Kingston, we’re lucky enough to have easy access to the Te kere haka conservation reserve via the Shirttail track, the Te kere haka Track, and the Around the Mountains cycle trail, all of which is accessed at the far end of town. We use these trails to easily access our trapping lines. We’re a team of local volunteers who enjoy going for afternoon walks in our stunning local area and trapping while we do it!

Location: Kingston
Number of Traps: 48
Contact: 022 045 4401,

Kiwi Birdlife Park

Started in 1986, the Kiwi Birdlife Park is a family owned native bird sanctuary situated in the heart of Queenstown. Home to over 20 native bird and reptile species, we are actively involved in many breed and release programmes for species including North Island brown kiwi, South Island kaka, South Island whio (blue duck) and pāteke (brown teal). Spread over 8 acres, we have planted more than 15,000 native trees throughout the park’s history and as a result have seen an influx of native species coming back into the area including tui, kererū, kārearea, bellbird, fantail, tomtit and Yellow-crowned kākāriki. We are currently operating with more than 80 traps focussing on removing rats, mice, possums, hedgehogs, weasels, stoats and cats in order to help preserve and protect our native species.

Location: Kiwi Birdlife Park, Queenstown
Number of Traps: 16
Contact: Al Browne, 03 442 8059,
Link: Find out more

Lake Hayes Predator Free

Lake Hayes Predator Free is a group of passionate locals who volunteer their time to reduce the number of invasive predators in the Lake Hayes area to protect and support our native wildlife. Lake Hayes provides an important habitat for a number of native bird species and has the highest density of breeding Crested Grebes in New Zealand.

Location: Lake Hayes
Number of Traps: 41
Contact: David Penrose,
Link: Find out more

One Mile Basin

Our group was formed in 2019. The One Mile Basin is located between Fernhill and the Skyline gondola, and extends up to Ben Lomond peak. The vegetation cover is mostly native beech forest in the lower half, and native tussock and other alpine species above. The area is home to several native bird species – bellbirds, tomtits, brown creepers, riflemen, fantails, silvereyes in the lower part, with pipits and occasional kea in the upper reaches. Initially we have located traps along the Fernhill Loop track. Our long-term plan is to extend the area of trapping to the entire One Mile catchment.

Location: One Mile Creek Catchment
Number of Traps: 19
Contact: Peter De La Mare,

Paradise Trust Paradise Protection Plan

Since the late 1800’s, Paradise has been available to people seeking tranquility and an accessible experience of wild places. Paradise is a 300 acre historic property and is open to the public all year round. A trust was set up in 1998 to preserve this property in perpetuity. A large component of the trust deed is its commitment to protecting the natural environment. Trapping began in 2010 and was prompted by the desire to save our endangered long tailed bats, with ‘bat spotting’ being a popular summer time activity. In 2013 the ‘Paradise Protection Plan’ was drawn up by Mandy Groshinski, as part of an application to DOC for biodiversity funding, for which we were granted just over 8k. Trapping is only one part of the Paradise Protection Plan. The other two projects that stand along side this are, weed control & replanting of Kowhai trees as part of Project Gold.

Location: Paradise
Number of Traps: 103
Contact: Mandy Groshinski, Paradise Trust Manager, 03 442 9956,
Contact: Tom Pryde, Chairman, 03 441 2424,

Precipice Creek Trapping Group

The Precipice Creek trapping group was set up by a group of residents living up the valley from Glenorchy, who longed to hear the return of birdsong to the bush, and to their gardens. Through pest control, weed control and native plantings the birdlife is returning and fantails, tuis, bellbirds, falcons and the occasional morepork are visitors to the neighbourhood.

Location: Precipice Creek, Glenorchy
Number of Traps: 15
Contact: Kirsten Pope,

Predator Free Arrowtown

Predator Free Arrowtown was formed in 2017 to help control pests and predators around Arrowtown and the wider area. This group is concerned primarily with reducing the numbers of mustelids, rodents, and possums in the Arrow River catchment. This area contains some of the best-preserved ecological values in the basin, and is home to multiple different native species, including rifleman, falcon, and weta. The project aims to ensure good ongoing breeding success for all these plants and animals. Eventually the project looks to expand and connect trap lines run in the wider area, including KAPOW, Coronet, and Cardrona. It will also incorporate areas that will be revegetated with native plants providing increased areas of habitat, such as Feehly Hill and Tobin’s Face. So far the project has attracted enough funding from local businesses and other groups to acquire over 300 traps.

Location: Arrowtown
Number of Traps: Over 300
Contact: Ben Teele,
Link: Find out more

Predator Free Gibbston

Predator Free Gibbston was formed in October 2019. We cover an area from Gibbston Bluff to Toms Creek mid way along the valley. We operate 5 trap lines which are sponsored by the local wineries and supported by the Gibbston Community Association. We have deployed approx. 60 traps in total. In recent years we have noticed native birds returning to the Gibbston area, due partially to the residential development and establishment of food sources with native plantings. So the predator free programme is a natural extension to the biodiversity that we want to encourage into the valley.

Location: Gibbston Valley
Number of Traps: 60
Contact: Simon Brackstone, 021 949 669,

Predator Free Puahuru

Launched in September 2018, Predator Free Puahuru looks to protect and enhance native wildlife in the Shotover Country/Lake Hayes Estate area. We will achieve this by trapping rats and stoats along the Queenstown trail which runs along the Shotover and Kawarau rivers near Shotover Country & Lake Hayes (no poison used). We hope to join up with other trapping networks run by other community groups, such as Quail Rise/Tuckers beach, Wakatipu high school and Bendemeer/Lake Hayes and create really good trap coverage over the Wakatipu basin.

Location: Shotover Country & Lake Hayes Estate
Number of Traps: 26
Contact: Bex Orpin,
Contact: Fiona Peat,
Link: Find out more

Queenstown Backyard Trappers

Queenstown Backyard Trappers group is a trapping group that has been established to represent keen trappers who aren’t part of one of the established groups, but still have traps in their backyard and want to contribute. The group is small but powerful and passionate about getting out and making a difference.

Location: Queenstown
Contact: Jessica Prebble,

Queenstown Climbing Club, Wye Creek

The Queenstown Climbing Club is a grass-roots, local club that is committed to promoting Rock Climbing in the Wakatipu, maintaining and increasing public access to climbing areas, promoting safe climbing, sponsoring youth development and promoting conservation of the natural environment in the Wakatipu. We put in the first line of DOC 200 traps along the existing North Wye track to well above the bushline. This network has now been extended with an 2 additional lines as well as undertaking extensive monitoring of predators and undertaking summer bird counts. A small team of enthusiastic volunteers check the 80 odd predator traps monthly, undertake quarterly predator surveys using Chew Tab Cards and in summer months we also do 5 minute Bird Counts along the main track.

Location: Wye Creek
Number of Traps: 139
Contact: Philip Green, Conservation Officer,
Contact: Estelle Poiron, Conservation Officer,
Link: Find out more

Queenstown Community Gardens

This is the only community garden in Queenstown and was established in 2009. The Gardens have expanded over the years and there are now more than 40 individual plots with 60+ active gardeners. The Gardens provide an opportunity for those in apartments, renters and those without backyards to grow their own food on their own plots. The Gardens see themselves as connected to the Matakauri Wetlands and are happy to extend predator control within the goat/rabbit proof fenced area of the Gardens to increase habitat and safety for native bird species. The predator control work also supports the native plantings at the southern end of the Gardens.

Location: Gorge Road
Number of Traps: 36
Contact: Bruce Thurlow, 021 2800 332,

Queenstown Hill

Our group was formed in October 2018 by a small group of Queenstown Hill residents plus Phil Green from the Wye Creek trapping group who is kindly sharing his experience & expertise with us. We’ve had a few get togethers for training & setting out traps but mainly we all just check the traps now & again & email the group to keep everyone informed of predator kills.

Location: Queenstown Hill
Number of Traps: 50
Contact: Phil Green,

Southern Lakes Deerstalkers – Steel Creek

In 2009 the local deerstalkers association negotiated with DOC an ability for the deerstalkers club to take over and maintain the old Mid greenstone hut in the greenstone valley (which was to be taken out of service as a DOC hut). In return and as part of the agreement the local deerstalkers operate and maintain a trap line starting in the greenstone valley up through steel creek to near the saddle of the steel creek valley.

Location: Greenstone & Steel Creek, Mt Aspiring National Park
Number of Traps: 68
Contact: Simon Brackstone, 021 949 669,

Tucker Beach Wildlife Management

Protecting threatened braided river birds such as the Black-billed gull,
Black-fronted tern and Banded dotterel.

Location: Tuckers Beach
Number of Traps: 86
Contact: Dawn Palmer,
Link: Find out more

Wakatipu High School

The next generation of conservationists at Wakatipu High School are leading predator control projects to protect the beautiful bird and wildlife around Frankton and Shotover River. The WHS predator control programme is just starting up and group info is coming soon!

Location: Frankton
Contact: Lee Hiestand,
Contact: Dawn Palmer,

Wilson Bay Predator Control

The predator control programme at Wilson Bay is just starting up and group info is coming soon!

Location: Wilson Bay

Ziptrek Ecotours

Ziptrek Ecotours is NZ’s #1 Original Zipline tour company. Our company is renowned for its award winning sustainable efforts and offers a spectacular and fun zipline eco-adventure through the forest canopy high above Queenstown on Bobs Peak. We are working towards restoring the native Beech forest in the area surrounding our zipline course. In addition to extensive wilding pine removal in the area and the 5000+ native shrubs and trees we have planted, we developed a trapping program to create a perimeter surrounding our zipline course. The hope is that by having an intensively trapped perimeter, with the removal of rats, possums and stoats, we can create a safe haven for the native birds. As we continue our native reforestation efforts our long term plan is to expand our trapping perimeter to protect the new native habitat we operate in as we create it.

Location: Bob's Peak, Queenstown
Link: Find out more